The Kerala police arrested the actor Vinayakan for allegedly creating a ruckus at a police station in an intoxicated state. He played a crucial role in...
The much-anticipated Leo film has been released worldwide. In Kerala, the shows started at 4 AM itself in all major cineplexes. However, the film will be...
In a first, Tamil superstar Rajinikanth arrived in Thiruvananthapuram two days back amidst rains. The Jailer actor is scheduled to take part in the 10-day shooting...
Bigg Boss Tamil Season 7 has started with a bang. Ace Actor Kamal Hassan once again showed his might with his brilliant anchoring skills. Bigg Boss...
At the 53rd Kerala State Film Awards ceremony, actor Alencier Le Lopez received the Special Jury Award for his performance in the film Appan. In his...
Prominent Malayalam filmmaker and screenwriter, Siddique Ismail, has passed away at the age of 63. He was widely recognized for his contributions to cinema, with notable...
Reports suggest that Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan encountered an accident while filming one of his projects in Los Angeles. It is said that during the...
A surprise inspection was carried out by the Income Tax department at the residences and offices of prominent YouTubers in Kerala. Among those targeted were popular...
Kollam Sudhi, who is well-known for his terrific performances is no more. The emerging 39-year-old actor reportedly died on the spot after a direct collision with...
In a major development, The Kerala Story by Sudipto Sen has reached a major milestone within 9 days of its release. This is a big thing...