A film starring Mammootty as a young man in his 30s may not be groundbreaking in Mollywood, but what sets an upcoming Malayalam movie apart is...
Celebrities from the film industry, including Bollywood stars and notable personalities, have begun arriving in Ayodhya for the grand consecration ceremony at the newly-constructed Ram Temple....
The film ‘Neru,’ featuring Mohanlal and directed by Jeethu Joseph, continues its triumphant journey, achieving yet another milestone. As it approaches its 35th day in theaters,...
Popular Tamil Actor and DMDK Chief Vijayakanth breathed his last at a private hospital in Chennai. Aged 71, the Sethupathi IPS actor was on ventilator support...
Embarking on a journey of love and adventure, the search for the perfect honeymoon destination is a pivotal chapter in every couple’s love story. From the...
Athulya Ashokan, a popular social media influencer from Kochi is in the news for the wrong reasons over controversial The Kerala Story-type allegations. In a shocking...
After a lull, Malayalam films are again getting attention from viewers. It’s been a dull year for Mohanlal with only Alone releasing in January 2023. However,...